Friday nights at Casa Pitts are blocked off as a family night (at least as best as our schedules allow). After a long week, prepping a sit down meal at close to 7 PM (after finishing our other Friday responsibilities) is just not feasible. So our Friday night is our "cheat night". It is the one night a week that nutritionally we let our guard down a little bit and make frozen pizza or sandwich bar or something easy and pop in a movie and just chillax as a family.
So I wanted to pass on some tidbits of wisdom from a cheater like me.
1. Take caution in what you cheat with -
Just because you allow yourself a cheat meal does not mean that meal has to lack complete nutritional value. If you get a pizza make sure has some veggies on it. If you are going to eat sandwiches use a lighter cheese, skip the mayo and use mustard or even avocado as a replacement. You want chips with that sandwich, even here you make a better choice about the chips you eat. Cheat with wisdom, if you eat out you can still enjoy a yummy meal, but do it responsibly. Just because you are eating a cheat meal don't make a wasted meal full of empty calories because...
2. Your body knows what it wants -
Here is the reason you need to make sure even when you cheat, you cheat right. Your body is smarter than you are. It's true. When your body has a need for protein you will crave meat or eggs. When you body has a need for calcium, you might want cheese or milk. Your body knows what it needs and signals your brain "hey get us that." One of the dangers of a cheat meal is not fulfilling the need of your body. When that happens your body tells your brain "hey we need something else and more of it." If that something else is not what your body needs it will keep sending that signal to your brain. Your brain sends the signal to the rest of you and you find yourself with your hand back in the bag of chips even though you are not hungry. Which leads to...
3. Overeating
A cheat meal does not mean 5 trips to the all you can eat buffet. While you will more than likely blow your typical calorie count for a meal out of the water (my meals range from 350-425 a meal), this is not an excuse to eat like you are in the 4th of July Nathan's Hot Dog eating contest. You need to still have some portion management. So you may go back for a bite of seconds, but thirds, really, fourths. At the bottom of the bag of whatever you are eating is regret. So take caution! Manage the amount of what you are going to eat. Just because it is a cheat meal does not mean that you throw out the discipline you have the rest of the week. Consider this a controlled indulgence.
You don't bust your backside to not enjoy life. We fight for our health through diet and exercise in hopes a living a happier and healthier life. Give yourself some grace on occasion to cheat. Just cheat with caution. It is still cheating and cheating can always lead us down a slippery slope and leave us caught elbow deep in a tub of ice cream. So enjoy your pizza, your occasional scoop of Rocky Road, even juicy steak, but make this the exception to your life and not the rule. If you let poor habits rule what you eat you will be right back to the point you were before your journey toward a fitter you!
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