The struggle spilled far beyond my caffeinated beverage that was missing into something more that needed to take place. Like many Americans, we fight for every dollar we make. The coffee pot was the icing on the financial cake of demanding weekend. There was flag football to register for, there was a band trip to sign up for and there is a little girl who steals my heart and I want to give her everything. Factor in the utility bill that tips in somewhere around the weight of NFL defensive lineman and we were face to face with a Dave Ramsey More Month than Money type situation. And it was just not feasible to make all of them happen.

I am by default an incredible dreamer. On the filp side of the coin, I am terribly lousy and making dreams reality. So after a conversation with a good friend, who also has a background in ministry, I realized you just don't walk into a $80,000 job anymore. And if we are being honest, that number just begins to touch what it takes to raise 3 kids, pay for 3 college degrees and I hate to think about it, 3 weddings. Last weekends big revelation through a broken coffee pot was that whatever it is I do for a "job" will always leave us short of the dreams we want. Momma always asked if money grew on trees, there's no forest nearby if it does.
If you are reading this post by now you know I am a Team Beachbody coach, in short, I help people with their health and fitness. No I don't have a six pack, in part due to the cup in my hand that is filled with creamer in my coffee. I did not join to get ripped, just to improve me. I joined to get healthy and that I am. I also joined with the hope of helping others.
Here is another truth that I know, my Beachbody business is not another "job". While my day work has an income ceiling, my business doesn't. While my 40 hour struggle could never mathematically take my family to Disney, my Beachbody business can. While money may not grow on trees, I have the opportunity to invest in a garden that if tended properly will produce great fruit. While the glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel has always been there, I have often been reluctant to run towards it. (There is a whole nother blog post to deal with that). As a dad of 3 amazing kids, what I hold in my hands is opportunity. Opportunity to not put limitations on our dreams. Opportunity to provide for their everyday needs and some moments they will never forget.
What I have is an opportunity to end the struggle!
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