I wanted to share a simple lesson I learned yesterday at a middle school honors band concert. Sidebar: Despite all my athletic prowess, I am a band dad.
There were three bands, one for each grade and it was the 8th grade band director that did something that caught my attention. The previous two bands stood up after their final of 5 pieces, took a bow and sat back down. With each of the previous bands the audience stood and celebrated these fine young people.
But the director of the 8th grade band did something different. After the very first piece he had the entire band stand. As they stood, the polite applause grew to an ovation.
Then the band sat back down, played their next piece and exact same thing. The band rose and as they rose so did the ovation.
While not an entirely new phenomena I took something away for you and me. Each time the band rose, so did the applause. With the rising applause so did the confidence of the band. With rising confidence came a better performance by these young musicians. And by the end of the 5 musical selections a standing ovation was in order!
I realize as we workout, run, exercise, eat healthy and make good choices that there is not an audience of proud parents and grandparents standing there cheering you on to eat your broccoli or finish your burpees. But what if we imagined there was. What if at the end of that sweaty push up filled workout when we pulled our hotself of mess off the floor we heard applause? What if as you finished that last 100 yards of a run in weather that the mailman even refuses to deliver in you raised your hands as if finishing the Boston Marathon in front of thousands of people? Maybe they are not there, but what if you imagined them there. In your head heard them cheering you on.
What I have learned in my short time with my own fitness and helping others is that the body is ready to give more, it is our minds that get in the way. The applause even if just imaginary frees you up to push past the mental barrier that is truly far short of your limits.
It is a thankless job getting healthy and fit, but one that should be celebrated. Even if your audience in imaginary, I honestly believe the principle holds true. That with each time your hear the applause your confidence grows. Each time your confidence grows you perform better. And with better performance comes better results.
So for you, here is your STANDING OVATION!!!
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