January 7th I put a ground and said NO MORE! I weighed in at 184.7 pounds, by far the most I had been in several months. Let's be honest, it was a steady diet of monkey bread and Christmas cookies for about 2 weeks over Christmas and New Year's. While tasty on the tongue, it was killing my around the gut!
So I kicked of 2013 with Les Mills Combat, Shakeology, and focusing on what I eat and as of today, I weigh 180.1. Not the weight loss I hoped for but seeing some great results in the change in my shape. While I do have a weight loss goal that I want to reach my focus is really beginning to shift. I could press and workout extra, trim additional calories and get completely stringent to get to that goal. And that would be fine. But what I know about myself is that if I sprint to that goal, I will eventually run out of gas and while I might hit that number on the scale I know that my weight will yo-yo back up.
As with most things in life, the "tortoise" wins - slow and steady wins the race!! My goal is to become actively healthy, not just a specific weight.
I would love to hear your comments!
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