While I was active and athletic as a kid, I was also quite a "chubbs". Losing and gaining weight is a matter of math - burn more calories than you take in. I had no issue burning calories as a kid, but had a greater love for taking them in. End result: a chubby, athlete.
Inside me is still that "fat kid". The internal battle I face is the same as it was at 12 years old, now with the metabolism of a 35 year old man. Like a magnetic force I am drawn to Chinese buffets, sweet tea, pizza parties and holiday feasts. Like a drunk with his bottle, I never know when to put down the plate. It is always just one more piece of chicken, one more serving of potato salad, one more...won't kill me. True enough one more won't, but a life of one mores will.
I have spent the past three years is essence overcoming the inner fat kid. My journey to a healthier and fitter lifestyle faced many challenges, but the greatest one was controlling my food intake and my desire for food. Inside still lies that 12 year old kid who longs to shove his face full of whatever is in front of him. The desire still lies deep inside me so as to win the war on weight comes by beating that "inner fat kid".
A couple of tips to beat the inner fat kid:
1) Control what you can control: Bring your lunch to work instead of ordering out; put proper servings on you plate; serve from the stove and not from the table, this prevents from picking more. The more you can control the food, the better your chance of not over indulging.
2) Eliminate piece by piece: starting changing things out little by little, change from sweet tea to unsweet tea or soda to water. Little changes start to add up. Begin cutting back on sodiums, butters and little things that add calories to vegetables or proteins that naturally full of flavor.
3) Say NO: it takes will power but walk past the doughnuts, the cookies, the sweets that open the abyss of endless snacking.
4) Don't buy it: because the kids like it is not an excuse ti keep it in the house. If it is not available, you won't eat it.
Win the war on the inner fat kid and win the war on weight!
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