Thursday, January 24, 2013

Day #18 Emergency Plan

So I live in a place where if it snows the world seems to stop. Stock up on bread and water from the local grocery, because you are not going anywhere. The emergency plan here in the Bluegrass is to just stop doing whatever you had planned.  This seems quite familiar with most people's health and fitness plan.

Most people don't just decide to stop exercising or just stop going to the gym.  What typically happens is that some sort of storm in our life happens and we don't have an emergency plan for our fitness.  We get in a time crunch so we skip a workout, we have something come up, so exercise gets pushed aside.  What is needed is an emergency plan.

My go to in a crunch, got little time to get the burn in is Insanity Fast & Furious.  It is 22 minutes of heart racing, calorie burning intensity.  It fits neatly into a tight schedule!

Here is why I keep this workout handy, while we all work hard to stick to our programs it can quickly unravel with a missed workout or two.  What we know about habits is that it is harder to build a good habit than it is to tear one apart.  I know that while one missed workout won't necessarily keep me from getting the results I want, I do know that it can start to unravel the disciplines I have put into place.

No matter what it is have an emergency workout plan.  Life is going to happen.  There are going to be days that working out is not going to coincide with life.  Have a plan for those moments!

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