Some people call it revelation. Some call it an epiphany. Some call it the light bulb coming on. Whatever you call it, there is a moment when it happens. A moment when the stars all align, the tide is just right and the man in the moon is talking in his sleep. It is the moment you say "I was made for this."
I believe we all have a "calling" and a "purpose" in life. There is a specific thing that we are gifted to do that if it goes undone it won't get done, at least not in the way it meant for you to accomplish. There is no prescription on how to discover this. Most of it comes via trial and error, and at that mostly error.
Thomas Edison attempted to create the incandescent light bulb over 10,000 times. When asked about it, Edison said "I have not failed. I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Your life is no different. It is not a waste to try something and fail. You have just found something that was not your purpose. The failure comes when we quit searching and trying.
Once peculiar piece to this mystery of discovery is that some things come full circle. What is incredible is that something that looks like a failed experiment at self discovery often comes back to be a piece to the puzzle of your purpose. Experience is the grand teacher. It teaches us often what we are not, it also teaches us what are meant to be. Experience also bookmarks moments in life that we build on. These moments of seeming failed trials and grand errors can lead us down the path of purpose. That moment when you say "I was made for this."
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