Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Most Powerful Word

As you launch out into your journey to a fitter you, one of things you will notice a shift in your language.  You will use expressions like "dig deeper" or "you can do this" and everyone's favorite "NO".  Really, no?  Yes!

You will have to use the word NO in place of "sure", "why not", "but I deserve it".  You will have to say "NO" to seconds or even firsts (of certain things).  No is not word of weakness, "no" is a word of strength.  "No" is powerful.  You see although it is a negative its power is found in the positive results.  When you say no to overeating or sugary sodas or high sodium, high fat foods you are really saying yes to things like health and wellness.  You are saying YES to those goals you are aimed at.

The word "NO" truly empowers you.  Although the first time or two may be difficult you will find it easier with each opportunity.  Use the word "NO" often enough and you will be at your goals quicker than you realize.

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