I remember the first time I watched The Biggest Loser. I know it sounds sappy, but I remember tears welling up in my eyes and a lump in my throat while I watched morbidly obese people begin their journey toward getting healthy.
At the time, I was near 215 pounds myself. I thought of myself as "slightly overweight" but never obese. Every year as I set goals for that year was the same goal: lose 15 pounds. And every year I failed to do anything about it. But each season I would watch as incredibly overweight people shed pounds and gained years on The Biggest Loser. I blamed my lack of ability to change my own life on time, on my job, on my inability to do it on my own, on my lack of knowledge, on whatever I could find to blame it on.
Then my mom bought a Wii Fit. And that is when an insulting anime voice called me "OBESE". I had never realized it or even considered -- pudgy, chunky, "filled out"...maybe, but never obese. That is when the journey started for me. I wanted to prove to myself and a Japanese animated voice that I was no longer obese...as matter of fact as of right now when I weigh in it tells me I am healthy.
My Why I became a Beachbody Coach is because I first hand understand the struggle of gaining and losing weight. And those tears and that lump in my throat watching people I personally will never meet change their life on a TV show is multiplied even greater when someone I know, someone I love changes their life and health forever. Do I hope to make money? Absolutely. But more than that I hope to make an impact. I hope to play a role in seeing people change their health, change the health of their families. I hope I make a small imprint in this overall challenge to "End The Trend" of Obesity. I do it because I want the join of seeing others change the voice of their life that calls them OBESE to calling them HEALTHY!
That is why I began the journey to a fitter me...
If you would like to start the journey for yourself or would like to help others start the journey by becoming a BEACHBODY COACH. I would love to talk more with you.
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