"If you can dream it, you can do it."
Walt Disney
A golfer will visualize there shot before hitting it. A shooter in his mind has already made the free throw before it ever leaves his hand. Award winning actors have rehearsed their winning speech hundreds of times before the movie was ever shot.
That is the power and the fuel that comes with imagination. The first steps toward success - in health and fitness, in business, in sports, really in any avenue of life - starts with the ability to believe you will be successful.
I have been given the gift of imagination. I am creative. I am one of those people that have unfiltered ideas of grandeur. My left handed self thrives in these moments. I have written #1 songs. I have penned the screenplay for the next Oscar Award winning movie. I at one point starred in 13 straight All-Star Games and finally brought the World Series back to the Chicago Cubs. (I told you I had a big imagination.)
So it leaves you asking, "Jeff, why have you not ..."
That answer is simple. The power of the imagination gives the dream. The athlete, artist or person has to believe in it. They have to sell out to that dream. It is one thing to see the impossible happening for a brief moment. It is an entirely another to continue to see that dream as a reality despite set back, despite obstacle, despite failure.
There is a story of Walt Disney's brother, Roy at the opening of Walt Disney World. Prior to the opening Walt had passed away. A guest at that grand opening said to Roy "what a shame Walt was not here to see it." Roy's response "He already had." The only way the Happiest Place On Earth ever came into existence was because one man in plane ride over some swamp land in Orlando, FL saw something that did not already exist. And then pursued that something passion, fervor and tenacity.

1) that I am able to bring the dream to reality
2) that there are others who are willing and wanting to share in the dream.
While Walt gets the majority of the credit, others like Roy stood by him.
So when I fly over the swampland of my life what do I see? I see a guy with a successful Team Beachbody business impacting 1000's of lives. I see a guy with the ability to take his family to the Happiest Place on Earth whenever. I see a guy on a stage in front of thousands sharing a message of hope and change.
What do you see for your life? Maybe you imagine yourself 10 pounds lighter. Maybe you imagine yourself debt free. Maybe you imagine yourself wildly successful in your giftedness beyond what others believe.
It is time for you and I to not only imagine, but to come alive.
A person should set his goals as early as he can and devote all his energy and talent to getting there. With enough effort, he may achieve it. Or he may find something that is even more rewarding. But in the end, no matter what the outcome, he will know he has been alive. ~ Roy Disney
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