I got placed in Women's Fragrances. I was that guy handing you a little card spritzed with perfume, trying to get you stop and spend your hard earned money on a luxury item of life. As a matter of fact, I was asked to focus on Taylor Swift's Wonderstruck line. So some Sunday afternoons I would be wearing a purple t-shirt with the words Taylor Swift Wonderstruck scripted across the front. Not a glamorous life, but it was what was necessary to provide for my family.

Why do I tell this story? Because last week I through out the Macy's name tag with big block letters that read Jeffrey on it. Why? Well, glad you asked. In the last 3 weeks I have made $500 doing something I love, helping others. I am a Team Beachbody Coach which means I get the honor to help others reach their health and fitness goals and better yet, get paid to do so.
Here is the win for me. I don't have to go spend 4 to 5 hours a night in a loud mall coming home smelling like a blend of 20 different women's fragrances. I don't give up every weekend to make an extra $50.
What I do get in return is the reward of seeing others succeed. What I do get in return is time for my kids - time to go to concerts, time to coach baseball, time to be present with them. What I found for myself was a healthier way of life. I found a renewed sense of self and belief in me as my own health and fitness have improved. I have grown as a person and am finding a sense of fulfillment! How many people can say they love their job. I CAN!!!
While this is just a part time opportunity. My vision is to make this so much more. Something that provides long term in the big picture for my family. My vision is to help hundreds and thousands of people make health changes and find hope. Do you have a similar vision?
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