Thursday, January 10, 2013

Day #4 Determination and Big Things

*Disclaimer - I told you from the start this was half health and fitness and half emotional well being.  I got a feeling today is a little more emotional well being.

I weighed in this morning was down 3.1 pounds.  Not bad work for three days.  Most of that is shedding the junk I consumed over the week I was home in Illinois.  But as I have dug a little deeper inside what I also realize is I have a satisfaction level for small things in my life.  Don't get me wrong, I absolutely believe in celebrating little wins.  My issues is being settle with little wins.  Settling for little wins and then stopping which is more dangerous.  What this really drives at is belief that I deserve big things.  I deserve a better paying job, I deserve to have the life I want, I deserve to lose the weight and have the body I want, I deserve to have a great Beachbody business.  It is this core belief that triggers determination inside of us to go work like crazy to achieve those things.

I don't believe, just because you believe you deserve something that it is automatic.  Although, our achievement bone is directly connected to our thinking bone.  In short you have to believe that you can achieve and overcome obstacles in order to have the determination to do that.  Here are my goals:

1) Weigh 170 pounds by April 1st

2) Reach Diamond Status Coach with Beachbody by Summit in June

There are some other personal, financial and emotional goals that I have set for myself that I won't bore you with.  Here is the crux of today, I have to believe that I am worth good things and big things.  I am worth the goals I have set.  If I believe then I will keep my eyes on the prize and push through to reaching those.

Thanks for taking this journey with me!


Breakfast - total calories: 315
Snack #1 - total calories: 270
Lunch - total calories: 380
Snack #2 - total calories: 340
Dinner - total calories: 225

Total Calories: 1530

Les Mills Combat LIVE 30

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